International art project


Exhibition halls of the Union of Artists of Russia in the West Wing of the New Tretyakov Gallery
Dates: April 28 - May 12, 2022
Registration deadline: April 19, 2022
Address: Moscow, Krymskiy Val st., 10, halls 22-27
Information for participants

Select the rules for participation by section:
1) Realism and Hyperrealism 2.0
2) Avant-garde. Reincarnation 21st century
3) Abstractum. Living abstraction

Select the registration forms by section:
1) Realism and Hyperrealism 2.0
2) Avant-garde. Reincarnation 21st century
3) Abstractum. Living abstraction

Participation cost
Select the cost of participation by section:
1) Realism and Hyperrealism 2.0
2) Avant-garde. Reincarnation 21st century
3) Abstractum. Living abstraction
Registration process
Prepare the following materials in electronic form:
1) Photographs of the works;
2) Photographs of the author
Each file must uploaded to the file exchange: : https://wdho.ru (the system will provide links, which are necessary to fill in the registration form)
Each artwork is registered separately.
Select your section to register:
1) Realism and Hyperrealism 2.0
2) Avant-garde. Reincarnation 21st century
3) Abstractum. Living abstraction
The organizing committee confirms the possibility of participation in the exhibition and sends the author a link to pay the organizational contribution.
Information for offline participants:
Offline participants prepare art objects for exhibition in the exhibition space. Note: each artwork must contain hinges, hooks, etc., for hanging; volume art objects must have devices to prevent it from falling or a stand for exhibiting
When handing over works to the exhibition the following forms must be filled in:
a) Labeling: download labels in Word, PDF;
b) Transfer act: download transfer certificate to Word, PDF
Information for online (remote) participants:
The Organizing Committee will print and arrange artworks according to the request. The author can visit the exhibition and programs free of charge.